The Clan Jardine

Jardine Clan Contacts

The Jardine Clan Society was formed in 1976 as a focal point for people with Jardine in the name or in their ancestry. Brances in Canada, USA, New Zealand, and Australia have gatherings and there is an international gathering, usually in Dumfries, every second year - that is in 1999, 2001, and so on.

Members' researchers are establishing a Norse origin for the family. It seems Jardines came south from Scandinavia with a warrior called Ganger Rolf and took over Normandy from the French King. Two generations later they backed the Duke of Normandy in his successful bid to subdue the English in 1066.

Clan Identity
Jardines then moved to Westmorland in the north west of England, and on to the Lockerbie area where the family settled.

Jardines are one of 14 clans in the West march of the Borders recognized by the Scottish Parliment in July 1587.

Now nearly 200 family trees are on disc, reuniting some families who have spread workdwide. Each year members receive a newsletter reporting the activities of Jardines past and present. It is rated as one of the best newsletters produced by any clan society.

Who's Who in the Jardine Clan Society

Chief of the Clan and President
Sir Alec. M. Jardine of Applegirth, Bt
23rd. Hereditary Chief and 12th, Baronet

Vice President
Anne, Lady Jardine of Applegirth

Major Sir Rupert Buchanan-Jardine, Bt. M.C.,D.L.
Captain R.C. Cunningham-Jardine, D.L.
Arthur H.G. Jardine
William Jardine
Sir Andrew Jardine, Bt.

Ex Officio Councillors
All Convenors & Commissioners, world wide

Hon. Membership Secy.
Miss Violet Jardine MA. FSA (Scot.)
Stranmills, Portling
Nr. Dalbeatie
Scotland, DG5 4PZ

Clan Geneologist
Robert Jardine
95 St. George's Rd.,
Harrogate, North Yorks, HG2 9DW

Hon. Treasurer
David Jardine
Hill Vista
Lockerbie DG1 1BJ

Clan Headquarters
Little Dyke,Dalton, Lockerbie DG11 1DU, Scotland

For more information, please contact the Hon. Membership Secretary in Scotland or the branch nearest you:

Murray H.L. Jardine
5 Somerset Street
Toowomba, Queensland 4350

Don R. Jardine
Heritage Garden West
305-1 Heritage Way
Lindsay, ON K9V 5P9

New Zealand
Dickson G. Jardine
7 Bay View Road
Peninsular, Queenstown

Western USA
Jerry Jardine, Convenor, Northern California
900 Broderick, # 11
San Francisco, CA 94115

Click here for a membership application.

Information provided by Jerry Jardine of the Jardine Clan Society.

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