The Clan MacCorquodale

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The name MacCorquodale come from the Norse "thorketill" which means "son of Torquil", which related to the god of thunder and storms. The founder of this clan was Thorkil who was part of the Scots army of Kenneth that fought against the Picts around 834.

In the ninth century the name MacCorquodale gained prominence. It is said that at his final battle, Kenneth MacAlpin's (the first King of Scotland), father Appin, was beheaded and his head carried away by the Picts who displayed it in the Pictish camp. It was recovered by a soldier named Torguil, and as a reward he was granted lands on Loch Aweside (Lochawe) by Kenneth. There is no record of this grant, but in 1434, the son of Ewan Makcorquydill, also named Ewan, received a grant of lands. In the charter he is called "Lord of Maintelan".

Towards the end of the eighteenth century, there were still MacCorquodales living of Loch Aweside that claimed to be direct descendents of Thorkil.

The Clan is currently without a chief.

Thanks to Ian MacCorquodale for contributing information for this page. Please visit his site at


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