The Clan Rollo

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The Rollos can trace their roots to the Norsemen who raided the coast of Scotland in the seventh and eighth centuries. Einar, son of the Jarl of Shetland was a well known Viking who raided Scotland as well was parts of his Norwegian homeland. He eventually turned his attention to the northern coast of France and it was his descendants that became the Dukes of Normandy. They came to England in 1066. The name first appears on record in 1141 in a charter granted by Robert de Brus.

In February of 1380, John Rollok received a charter from the king of the lands of Duncrub which established the fortunes of the family.

The family supported the king during the civil war and they were rewarded for it by Charles II. In January 1651, he created Sir Andrew Lord Rollo of Duncrub at Perth.

The present chief is the thirteenth Lord Rollo and fourth Baron Dunning and lives in Perthshire.


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